River Listening reimagines the world beneath the surface of the Brisbane River. The sounds of the river system are layered with creative responses that connect to river systems across the world. This sound walk is part of an interdisciplinary project exploring the art and science of listening to rivers and the creative possibilities of aquatic ecoacoustics. River Listening is a collaboration between the Australian Rivers Institute and the Queensland Conservatorium Research Centre with support from the Australian Network for Art and Technology through the Synapse program.
Launching for World Science Festival Brisbane 2017, the South Bank Augmented Reality Sound Walks use GPS points along the Brisbane River to trigger audio based on location and movement. Walk towards the points on the River Listening map and the sounds will play automatically when you are in the right locations. River Listening is best experienced with headphones.
The augmented reality sound walks for World Science Festival Brisbane have been developed by Leah Barclay as part of 100 Ways to Listen (100waystolisten.com)
Tweet @LeahBarclay or #RiverListening for further information. #100xListen #WSFB2017
Processed hydrophones recorded on the Brisbane River Bed
Snapping Shrimp, also know as Pistol shrimp or Alpheidae, are found worldwide with over 600 species …
Brisbane River Catfish recorded with hydrophones near Lone Pine in the Brisbane River.
The spangled grunter or spangled perch (Leiopotherapon unicolor) is a species of fish in the family …
Dawn recording on the banks of the Amazon River, near Mamori Lake in the Central Amazon Biosphere Re…
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