A site specific composition by Emily Peasgood, for an original concept by Alison Neighbour.
Sunny Sands beach, Folkestone, Kent, England
The Sea Gooseberries come and go with the tides. They are ancient messengers—beacons—who wash ashore in times of need, bringing messages from the past and questions for the future. Their arrival used to herald a joyful celebration of light and song in which the whole community joined a collective ritual to bear witness to their magic and celebrate their connections to one another and the natural world.
In December 2021 we relived this ritual on this very spot, at sunset on the full moon before the winter solstice, with The Gathering.
The Gathering was the finale to a month long Quest to reunite the Sea Gooseberries, where the Song of the Sea Gooseberries was sung live for the first time, telling the story of the balance of the community and their relationship to the natural world being restored, and of looking forward to a brighter future. It remains on the beach as a reminder of this special moment of connection and understanding, as we wait for the Sea Gooseberries’ next visit to our shores.
We hope you enjoy listening.
For the best experience we recommend listening on headphones. You can choose to move around the beach or to sit or stand. The work is approximately 30 minutes long. Take your time, enjoy the sea and the sky.
Beacons was produced by SparkedEcho and Creative Folkestone, with funding from Arts Council England, PRSF for Music, The Ashley Family Foundation, Help Musicians UK, Kent Arts Investment Fund, Folkestone Town Council, and individual donations.
BEACONS - The Song of the Sea Gooseberries A site specific composition by Emily Peasgood, for an or…
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