Døden er ingen ende i naturen ◦ Amalie Risom Nyrup ◦ 18.42 min

room 6 ECHOES


English below!

~ ・ ~ 'Døden er ingen ende i naturen' er en ikke-lineær lydvandring, som flyder mellem geolokaliserede områder i Botanisk have. Lyd er et usynligt og flygtigt element, der kan repræsentere kompleksiteten og tilstande af de forbindelser som konstant omslutter os. Vores omgivende lyde er en del af livets ufuldkommenheder, og er et symbol på en distraktion fra romantiske og dualistiske forhold til det, vi kalder natur. Selvom elementerne i lydvandringen ikke ændrer sig over udstillingsperioden, er det et værk, der eksisterer, hvor årstid og vejrforhold konstant skaber synlige forandringer. Denne performative sensation inviterer dig til at komme tilbage igen, igen, igen og igen. ~ ・ ~

'Death is never an ending in nature’ is a non-linear sound walk in the Botanical Garden spread between geo-located areas. The spoken language is Danish but when placing yourself inside the blue areas you can click the dots in the upper right corner and read the translation which you also can find underneath here. ~ Sound is an invisible and fleeting element that can represent the complexity and conditions of the networks that constantly surround us. Ambient sound is part of the imperfection of life, the symbol of distraction from the romantic and dualistic relationships with natural environments. Even though these elements in the soundwalk do not change over the exhibition period, it is a work that exists in an environment that constantly changes naturally within seasonal and weather conditions. This performative sensation invites you to come back again, again, again and again.

~ Translation:

Gaps are floating between generations soil, sorrow and impermanence forming strong bonds

The garden is a fake repetition nature is a copy of nature an expectation of reality that something does not last forever roses are obedient as a burden

Listen, there is more being with others to take care of

To harvest the sun to take rest resign withering with the autumn

Time vanishes the body remembers until it disappears movement, rhythms greenhouses as lungs

To be related by more than gazes languages of the flowers change over time may june july august september october november december january february march april

Death is never an ending one can give flowers for reasons one can lay flowers for reasons one can throw flowers for reasons



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