MPATE-GE 2028: Union Square Immersive History

room 35 ECHOES

New York

Note: Please start at the south end of the park and proceed counterclockwise.

This walk explores the layered history of Union Square Park through 4 soundscapes that represent the uses of the square over its 300+ year history. Starting at the base of the park, explore the sounds of nature that predated US settlements in Union Square. As you walk clockwise, you first pass through elements of commerce and business that have populated the square. As you reach the north end, the sounds of agriculture and farmer's markets invoke the history of the square as both farmland and its current function as a regular farmer's market. As you make your way around the western side, you will hear the sounds of transit and construction, marking the square's history as a center of transportation and infrastructure. The entire walk is underpinned by the sounds of music that have flooded Union Square for much of its history, highlighting the varied history of New Yorkers and the sounds they have brought into the square. Much of Union Square's history includes theater, performance, and musical gatherings so this represents a throughline of all of the different eras referenced on the soundwalk. Enjoy!

Note: Please start at the south end and proceed around the park counter-clockwise.



The Echoes

Construction 3 - Slomo Subway

Construction 7 - Jackhammers

Construction 8 - Stoplight Blinking

Construction 1 - Drill

Construction 5 - Truck Idling

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