Duck Duck Eel by Francesca Hawker is an audio jaunt along the Brussels Canal that suggests 6 waterside listening breaks. The piece can be experienced in 2 parts: locations 1-3 are accessible on foot, and locations 4-6 probably require a bike or scooter.
Track 1: I didn’t really understand that that was the situation Location: Loredana Marchi Bridge Duration: 8’31”
Track 2: James Prosek & Richard Beck Location: Pont de Molenbeek Duration: 3’4”
Track 3: Cabin you can stay in Location: Godshuizenbrug Duration: 5’39”
Track 4: Counting & Measuring Location: Recypark Demets (opens 5th October 2024) Duration: 2’38”
Track 5: Gimme Gimme Location: Pierre Marchant Bridge / Flow Duration: 5’41”
Track 6: Unagi & Cowturtle Location: Meetstation Gisèle Bazier Duration: 2’33”
Tracks 1 & 4 feature recordings made while accompanying conservation scientists from the Research Institute for Nature and Forests (INBO) in Flanders during their weekly visit to monitor the ‘eel ladders’ installed at pumping stations near Diksmuide, West Flanders.
Tracks 2, 3, 5 & 6 feature recordings made during a table-read at ‘Back-to-back: perspectives on artists’ writing and publishing’ at Cas-co, Leuven.
Track 3 features underwater recordings of the Canal de Bruxelles.
Thanks to Q02 and Justin Bennett for all their help and support, to Museum Dhondt Dhaenens and MORPHO who organised the residency at House Van Wassenhove where the original eel biographies were written, to the participants of the table read at 'Back-to-back: perspectives on artists’ writing and publishing' at Cas-co, Leuven, and to the conservation scientists working at the Research Institute for Nature and Forests (INBO) in Flanders.
Or start creating tours, treasure hunts, POI maps... Just let your imagination guide you.
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